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Zero-yon Village Hostel
04village KUJO, to USJ(Universal Studio Japan) it takes 15minutes by JR Line train, Intex Osaka(Nakafutou sta.) it takes about 20nimutes by subway. To Kyocera Dome Osaka, it takes 10 minutes by walk! Our hotel is the best for person who want to enjoy concert or LIVE without worring about time at Kyocera Dome Osaka. (We accept your luggage from 8AM if you want to keep your luggage at our hostel before concert will start ※Please let us know in advance by telephone or email)
Female Only dormitory room (up to 6guests)
(1shower room for female only use)
Mix Dormitory room (up to 8guests)
(1shower room for unisex)
Rinse-containing-type shampoo・Body soap
Refrigerator・Microwave・Electric pot

6 beds on the first floor, 8 beds on the second floor.All guests will have their own locker.
First Floor
First Floor is for women only and fully secure.
Security lock is active after 22:00 (10:00 PM). Please ask for security details to staff on check-in.
1st floor shower room is for ladies only with locks,2nd floor dormitory room is saparated with curtains. shampoos and bodysoaps are ready in every shower rooms.
On each person,there is a locker with key code.For saftey, please lock your suitcase b yourself and put it under the bed (please use only the locker with the same number of your bed.)
There is a tatami under the mattress.We hope you feel the Japanese tradition of tatami.
Each floor has a shared Washroom/Bathroom
Hair drier
Hair driers are available for free-rent. Dryers are on every floor beside the sink.
Shampoo/Body Soap
There are shampoo and body soap bottles in each shower rooms.They are in common use, so please do not take it away.
Address: 2-20-18 KujoMinami,Nishi-ku,Osaka.550-0025,JAPAN
TEL: +81-6-6556-6004
◆Subway ChuoLine Kujo Sta. 6min by foot
◆Hanshin-NambaLine Kujo Sta. 6min by foot
◆Subway Nagahori-Tsurumiryokuchi Line DomemaeChiyozaki Sta. 10min by foot
- Aeon Mall (Shopping mall) 10min by foot
- KYOCERA-DOME 10min by foot
- USJ(Universal Studios Japan) 20min by train(15min by car)
- Osaka Sta.(Umeda Sta.) 20min by train